Karate Wellness - Mind, Body and Spirit

Organization of Karate Techniques

Karate Body

1.  Stances - 3 Main Stances

A. Front Stance
  • About 1 shoulder width apart
  • Length - about 2 shoulder widths apart
  • 60-40 weight displacement
  • Front knee over second toe for alignment
  • Back foot at about 45 degree angle or less to line of movement
B.  Back Stance
  • Heals in line and length about twice the shoulder width
  • 70/30 Weight displacement
  • Back hip over knee over second toe
  • front knee slightly bent


C. Side Stance
  • 50/50 weight displacement
  • knees over second toes
  • Triangle on the top, rectangle on the bottom


2. Postures - 3 Positions

A. Front facing Body Square to Target
B. Half Front Facing 45 degree to the target (reverse also)
C. Side Facing Body perpendicular to the target

3. Technique

The correct route of travel from point A to B for kicks, blocks, strikes, and punches as well as correct alignment of the limbs in use.

4. Use of Core Strength

5 ways to create power. They are vibration, rotation, thrusting, jumping, and downward thrust

5. Speed

The correct expansion and contraction of muscles create the quickest movement

6. Focus

Explosive movement as a result of contracting muscles instantaneously at the moment of impact

7. Breathing

Exhale sharply with execution of technique

8. Karate Spirit (Kiai) - Express internal energy - 3 Benefits

A. Deterrent - Discourage Opponent
B. Increase of Confidence
C. Increase Power

9. Karate Mind

Visualize your opponent, concentration





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